Hydroponic Cerviero is a cultivation and irrigation innovative system that allows plant cultivation onto the ground and out the earth.
Have you ever thought at least once about how many of the food humanity consumes day after day, and how much is a million and a billion tons per year? It turns out that this amount is just incredibly huge. Moreover, about 33% of the total amount becomes food waste every year. And this is despite the fact that we still have countries where people are dying of hunger. Thus, it follows from all this that in many countries there is too much food production, which in turn consumes too many resources. Problems It's no secret that in order to grow 1 kg of animal meat, you need food, grain and feed. Which at the same time also needs to be sown, grown, collected and transported to the final consumer. In fact, this is not a small cycle of actions that is aimed at growing some kind of pork, veal, or any other bird. At the same time, farmers are also spending too many resources, namely water, electricity and other auxiliary resources, when growing the most common crop of ...